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Forzes Acousticsshhh

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Forzes Soundcut

Genvejen til genial akustik

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Lancering af Heradesign® Alpha+

Forzes lancerer HERADESIGN® Alpha+: En alt-i-en akustikløsning med lavt co2-aftryk.

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Soundcut er blevet endnu bedre

Sidste år lancerede vi Soundcut, og vi har lyttet til vores kunder. Soundcut har nu fået endnu mere styrke, højere kvalitet, og EDP'en er blevet forbedret. 

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Forzes A/S

Add value to construction

Our passion for the perfect building materials and building systems is reflected in everything we do.
Professionalism, solid advice and the optimal solution go hand in hand.

This division is a world of the leading products and brands in building materials concentrated in one place.
It provides the muscle and strength to put together a team of the best in its field.

Vi har samlet branchens førende performance brands